Paddling & Personality

Paddling & Personality

profile picture of Clare Rutter

Clare Rutter

This week’s discussion point from me is about paddling and personality. We are all incredibly and beautifully unique – the world would probably be a pretty boring place if we were all the same, but what makes us US? What makes us stand out and shine, or shrink away into the shadows? What makes us memorable to others and makes them gravitate towards or away from us? What clues do we emanate as to our caring or supportive natures or the availability of our time and focus to others or to our responsibilities? The answer to these questions can quite simply but complexly be our personalities and how we – by choice or not – present and represent ourselves to our friends, families, colleagues, peers and online.

Personality can be summarised as a combination of and expressive depiction of our thoughts, behaviours and our emotions that can hold its roots either biologically or by influence from our environments and experiences. Characteristically, our personalities are most notably experienced and witnessed by ourselves and others through our moods, our attitudes and our opinions, and can on a daily basis affect our lives either positively or negatively.

So, how does this relate to paddling? Well let’s find out!

➡️ What impact do you feel that paddling has on your personality?

➡️ Does paddling contribute to your personality or does your personality contribute to your paddling?

➡️ Do you feel that your personality motivates or impedes your personal paddling endeavours? If so, how and what solutions or benefits have you found?

➡️ Has someone’s personality ever had an impact on you or others in paddling and was this a positive or negative effect?

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