Paddling & the Weather

Paddling & the Weather

profile picture of Clare Rutter

Clare Rutter

This week’s discussion point from me is about paddling and the weather. Come rain or shine, we’re usually out there doing what we do, but at what point does the weather cause issues, become a hazard or become dangerous to us? Where’s the line between a fun, challenging paddle that tests your limits and a paddle that is ‘out of your depth’, irresponsible and quite simply reckless? The weather is changeable, we all know that! We can have gloriously sunny and warm conditions one day and four seasons in one day the next! Reliability of information can be a significant factor to our paddle plans with conflicting weather reports and predictions – which one to believe and take note of?! Considering your paddle pals and groups, another factor worth considering could be that weather conditions one person may feel comfortable being in may be totally miserable or even extreme to another, potentially causing a huge dent in their confidence and comfort zones. Do your paddle skill and experience levels have any impact on your judgement of weather conditions, and your consideration and inclusion of them within your paddle plans? If so, how and why?

What weather checks and preparations do you make before heading out for a paddle? Do you allow for flexibility and include contingency plans? Ever been caught out by a change in the weather? If so, what happened and how did this affect you or others, and affect the outcome of your expected plan? What weather-related tips, recommendations, lessons learned through experiences and information sources such as websites, apps, books or courses can you suggest for the beginner paddler through to the more experienced for weather-related paddle preparedness? Thinking alternatively, when can the weather and its effects affect us positively as paddlers and enhance the potential of what we can do – and how can we harness, utilise and embrace that?

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